August 2008

a frog in The Gangouji temple

Japanese Here

@Because the theme of last month was a frog, I introduce frog clay bells successively this month.
Frogs are mascots of "Safely come back" & " Money to return".

Chinese lucky frog
bring you big money


Safely come back

Bring you luck

a slim flag
based on a Haiku of Issa
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Zaou-dou in Yoshino

about 20 years old
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Zaou-dou in Yoshino

in this year, almost same

Flog bell in Yoshino


standing pause
Nogomi doll, in Saga Pref.

Iga-yaki Matsuo-tougeien
Ueno city in Mie Pref.

Flog family
made in tilery, Hyougo Pref.

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This page was updated on June 21, 2008.
This wallpaper is gotton from —M仌Ξ.